WordPress Plugins: Plugins

WordPress Plugins: Plugins

With Templates Patterns Collection, you'll take your WordPress site to the next level with its artificial intelligence features! This Plugin lets you automatically assign and add the right template for any post or page. By automatically adding design patterns or custom templates, you can ensure a consistent and professional look across your site. It will save you time so you can focus on other aspects of website design. You can also rely on its intuitive

WordPress Plugins: Plugins

Assistant is a powerful AI-powered plugin for WordPress that can help manage an entire website. It enables administrators to create custom AI tasks that can be used to automate tasks such as moderating comments, blocking spam, auto-responding to customer inquiries, and more. Assistant is an easy to use plugin that can help save time and energy for website owners, while providing consistent results. In addition, this AI-powered

Extensions, WordPress Plugins: Plugins

Introducing EWWW Image Optimizer - the easy, automated way to optimize your images and get the most out of your website. This innovative, Artificial Intelligence-powered plugin can help you save time, space, and money while giving your website visitors high-quality, optimized images. With powerful features like automatic conversion, bulk optimization, Image Super-Sizing, and Cloud Optimization, you can conveniently and quickly

WordPress Plugins: Plugins

This Content Copy Protection Plugin is the perfect solution for anyone wanting to protect their WordPress content. It disables right-clicks on all pages to deter copying, and Additionally, it blocks automated screen capture tools. Keeping your content secure has never been easier. Enable or disable content protection with the click of the mouse. With this plugin you can quickly and easily keep your hard worked content secure and prevent any unauthorized distribution.

WordPress Plugins: Plugins

Chaty is the perfect plugin for AI-powered website messaging. This intuitive and easy-to-install plugin helps your website or blog communicate efficiently with customers or followers. It provides a simple chatbot builder with an AI assistant to automate most conversations and provide fast and reliable customer service. With a few clicks, you can set up Chaty’s natural language processing capabilities to recognize customer’s intent and

WordPress Plugins: Plugins

Zero BS CRM is the perfect plugin for businesses looking to increase customer satisfaction and automate operations. With powerful AI features, you can focus on achieving your sales and marketing objectives and let Zero BS do the rest! Create contact profiles, send automated emails, manage customers and keep track of orders. Enjoy the flexibility to customize the system to suit the needs of your business.The easy and intuitive CRM system allows for comprehensive